Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mycenae-Cyclopean Walls

Mycenae (Μυκήνες) is one of the most important archaeological sites of Greece.  The founding of Mycenae is lost in prehistory, but according to Greek legends,  it was founded by the legendary hero Perseus - son of Zeus and Danae, daughter  of the king of Argos, Acricios - who left Argos for Tyrins and later employed  Cyclopes to build the walls of Mycenae with giant stones that no human could  move (thus the characterization of the walls as "Cyclopean").

Mycenae (Μυκήνες) is one of the most important archaeological sites of Greece.
The founding of Mycenae is lost in prehistory, but according to Greek legends,
it was founded by the legendary hero Perseus - son of Zeus and Danae, daughter
of the king of Argos, Acricios - who left Argos for Tyrins and later employed
Cyclopes to build the walls of Mycenae with giant stones that no human could
move (thus the characterization of the walls as "Cyclopean").

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